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Did i make the right move?

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First off a big hello to everyone :)

well heres my story..

I got involved with a married women it started as a friendship and quickly grew into a passionate affair...anyways at the end she wasn't able to live a double life i think she truly loved me but coulndt stand staying just a couple hour every week(kinda like all or nothing)and the guilt was eating her alive..so she decided that for her own sanity to break it off and to keep contact only by email and telephones her idea that for now the timing was bad and maybe someday she will have enough independance(money wise) to make the move and by talking to me on the phone she could get to know me better(everytime we would see each other there was little talking involved)..i thought i could do it but just hearing her voice made me want her, telephone were just not enough!! so at the end i decided to cut all contact with her and told her farewell!


it hurts it really hurts because we got along really good as friends and lovers,but just hearing her voice was like dangling a carrot in front of me that i just could not reach!


did i make the right move?


thanks for the kind ear

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my opionon is that yes you did the right thing, it wasnt a fair situation to you or her husband ! I mean you were on the side like a backup.. in case she decided to leave him or something . i know its hard but give your self time keep busy and find someone that is single and can give you 100 percent of themsleves .


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Hi there :)


I think you made the right move, especially if she is married. Letting go is the hardest thing when you love someone so much...a majority of us go down that road at some point in our lives, some stop, and go back while others keep going and eventually get over it, then they look back and think, it was the right decision to make :)

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it's a good thing that you made the right move.

Please do not do anything that's going to hurt the three of you.

It's gonna be a nightmare for all........

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thanks for the support it really helps!! :) yes its not easy and sometimes i weaken and want to email her again but a little voice tells me to keep going!

Its weird i still see her face in every women i see!! i think the cut is still too fresh :(

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Yes, you absolutely made the right move!! The more you contact her the more you will want her. Give yourself time and you will mend from this. You can't lose what you never had and you never really had her. Not in the real sense of the word.


Don't drag out your healing process. No contact is the only way to go!

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