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Crazy Ex Wife/Biomum and Monster l Stepkids

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Why can't the world be a better place with people just being able to get along? And as to the title, yes I am an ex wife and Biomum, but I don't behave like some bat***** crazy way some exes do when there ex Husband has moved on.


Why is it necessary to always demonize the new wife or girlfriend when they had nothing to do with the breakup of your marriage? Some of these women are deliberately difficult and go out of their way to make the lives of there ex and the new partner difficult. If you messed up your own marrIage, stay out of the new relationship. One of the ways they do this is poisoning the children against the stepparent. The child grows up messed up and " psycho mom of the year" helps to mess up the kid.


I don't see why these bitter women can't just move on and behave like adults. They are just so pathetic.

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The craziest ones are usually the dumpers! Just jealous emotional cripples, sad when you have kids with them, man can they exploit that- pathetic. Do not feed their needs for attention, it's draining I know.

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Lots of different stories out there.



One problem I see after a divorce is everyone has a side of the story of what happened - yes? We see this here on LS - were one side is presented only - the ex or spouse rarely shows up here to tell their side (but its revealing when they do !)


If the divorce was bad - then the new spouses (steps) on each side come in seeing the ex (h or W) as the bad person since their spouse may wish to paint their ex as the bad person in the marriage and except no responsibility themselves. I mean how many people going to tell their new husband/wife - ya I was the bad guy in the divorce not my ex. Or even say - no one was really at fault my ex is an amazing person. I some times think the new spouses (steps) are actually not getting the whole picture, but standup for their spouse against the ex.


When money, custody and visitation issues get fought over - in any conflict, it becomes easier to demonize the other side to make what you have to do seem justified as your doing it against an evil crazy person.

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I dated a guy who was going through a divorce. His EX was one of the nutty ones. I always tried to take the high road. At one point I finally pulled her aside & said, "Look your kid spends time in my home & I never want you think you can't call here looking for him but I'm not the bad guy here. Be polite to me & I will be polite to you. Let's just talk about how fast I can put him on the phone, any special issues he has or the weather but really leave me out of your divorce." She eventually got the message & kept her conversations with me polite & superficial.


About a year after that guy & I broke up, he died. When I got to the funeral home to pay my respects, she came flying across the room & launched herself into my arms sobbing that he loved two women in his life: me & her & that I was the only person who knew what she was going through. It was surreal.

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