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fight or flight

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Hello newbie here. To the point in a I lived in asia 07-12 met a guy in 08 (via FB) from UNI talked and started dating in 10. It was interesting difficult and fun getting to know someone that way. Went home for 4yrs, 12-16. We had a difficult time adjusting to each other (we didnt live together till Jan 15-march 16.) I Finished my studies and we talked and decided to move to asia. He plans on moving `soon`:( ( He is Draging his foot and plans on living in a different state when he gets here) The relationship (in my opinion) has taken several steps back in terms of communication.( he never has time) ive expessed my conserns and things change for a day or a week. I dont know if I should wait for the adjustment period or call it off. I could be more detailed but I dont want to make the post super long. in total thats 6 yrs we have been together by far my longest relationship Idont want to give up but there is the saying `if you are silent about your pain, they will kill you and say you enjoyed it` thanks for responding.

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