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what does he think?

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I met a guy online for 8 months now, we are in different city. (east and west)

haven't meet in person yet, because both of us didn't bring this topic up.


he is a nice man, and I like him, but we are like friends.

We havent talk sweet words, or any talking beyond friend zone.


we didn't talk everyday, but he keep calling me like once or twice a week, we also do Skype video chat. we talk lots of things, including my previous relationship and his, most of time we talk about what happen in our daily life. he bought a new car or I try some restaurants...etc


does he have feelings for me?


he did ask me three or four times would I consider to work in his city because there are lots of work opportunities.

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If you want to move to his city because of the job opportunities, do that but leave him out of your decision. If you are only going because of him, stay where you are.


I think you are friends. After 8 months if he wanted more I would have expected a grown man to have said something or suggested getting together. His silence means he doesn't feel that way

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