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Woman at work - Is she attracted/flirting?

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There is a woman who I work with who recently has been acting odd near me. We work in opposite ends of the building (so I haven't seen much of her, as I have only worked there 4 months) but do occasionally have to work together.


Firstly, around 3 months ago when we first met she passed me and smiled. I of course thought nothing of it. This occurred a few times.


However, recently we've been seeing more of each other. I saw her looking at me from behind (reflection) and when I looked around, she quickly stopped looking and started playing with her hair, nervously looking away and avoiding eye contact.


The largest give away was when I walked past her, said 'hello' (knowing she would look away) and tried to make eye contact. She blatantly looked away, staring at the wall and after a two second pause said 'hi' in an excited voice. Almost falling over.


Yesterday, I almost walked into her and said sorry. She looked away, said nothing and started having a laughing fit. She then avoided entering the same room I was going in. I was also talking to the cleaner and she joined in but refused to look at or speak to me (is this a sign if disinterest as she didn't even acknowledge me)?


Today, I was talking to her. She seemed fine briefly, smiled and looked down. I then (later) had another conversation. She smiled looked down and had an awkward look on her face (not smiling). Why was this?


The thing is, she seems fine with everybody else (or at least better, as she is a nervous person). I know I could be intimidating her but I don't know why. I always smile and act friendly. Is this a sign of attraction? Why does she glance, look away and almost never make eye contact?

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I'm going through the same thing at work with a woman in another department. The other day there was a moment where I held the door for her and she held eye contact with me and smiled for several seconds. I definitely got that feeling of mutual attraction and it seemed like time stopped for a moment. She never initiates with me, but whenever I greet her or talk to her she's all smiles. She usually smiles shyly and gives me that sidelong glance if I see her in the hallway. If it were at a club or a bar I would be all over her, but since it's a place of business, I've decided to proceed with caution. I would advise you to do the same. Just keep talking to her and being nice whenever you can. Ask her to lunch when the time seems right. If you know some people you work with that like to go out after work see if you can get her to go.

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