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Spring break and I'm being left behind

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My girlfriend and I have been going out for 7 months now and we have had a nice arguement free relationship, but recently we had an arguement about spring break. She wants to go with her friends to Daytona Beach FL, but without me for four days. She wants me to drive nearly 14 hours by myself to see her on Wednesday when her and her friends are going there on Saturday. I told her about my concerns of driving that long by myself, but she simply dismissed them.


My concerns are what she will do without me because I have heard what she did last spring break with the same friends. One of her friends doesn't even like me, so that further concerns me. What I want to know is if I should be worried or if there is any validity to my arguement of me going with her on Saturday. I just need an outside opinion because I am afraid that they are telling me what I want to hear. Thank you for responding to my inquiry.


Matt, Bowling Green KY

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If you can't trust your girlfriend to go away for four days with her friends, you've got deeper problems to worry about than this.


Look, just because she had fun last year when she was single doesn't mean that she's out to cheat on you this year. Yes, she will have fun, she might flirt a little bit, but if she loves you I can't imagine her risking that by randomly hooking up with some guy.


Let her go with her friends on Saturday and spend time with them. If she betrays your trust, then at least you know that sooner rather than later.


So, why aren't you going on spring break with your friends?

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orange county

Spring break in Daytona Beach FL without you! Are you serious? You need advice from a man on this one. I would never let my girlfriend go somewhere like that without me. It has nothing to do with trust. I trust my girlfriend completely. It's about the alcohol, the drugs, all the parties and more importantly the guys that will try to take advantage of your girl if she has had a bit too much to drink.


Lay down the law. She is in a "relationship" now. She cannot go out and act like a single girl. If you are there to watch out for her, then that is another story, but her alone - hell no!


I feel for you brotha.

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I've been to Daytona Beach for Spring break with a few girlfriends while I had a boyfriend and nothing happened. Sometimes girls just want to hang out and party with their girlfriends. Sure there will be alcohol and alot of parties, and sure she may flirt a little, but if she loves you, nothing will happen. Let her have fun. If you can't trust her then the relationship is doomed. Go with the guys somewhere and have fun.

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