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Is he blowing me off??

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I've been having a long distance affair w/ a married man for over a year and a half now. In the beggining my guy couldn't get enough of me. He would call every day and tell me how much he loved me. About six months ago we were supposed to meet and his grandmother apparently got sick and he had to stay behind and take care of her......she had just found out she had cancer. Now I can take this sorta thing but a couple of times before that he had to back out of seeing me at the last minute cus his Uncle died then he was held up cus of work.


Just last month he had to cancel cus his cabin had a leaky roof and he needed to stay behind to fix it. I've given this guy every opportunity to break up w/ me. I told him straight up......if he didn't want to do this anymore that I would be okay w/ this and we could just remain friends. He insists that he loves me and still manages to call once a week. I sorta feel like he's blowing me off but then again he is still stringing me along so to speak. We talked about our relationship just the other day and he see's that there is a change in me and u can tell he doesn't want to let go. I just don't know.... I know he cares about me. Is it possible that he just doesn't want to hurt me??? I'm telling u right now that when he backs out on our meetings a day before we meet......this just kills me. I know I am doing this to myself but I really do love him and I don't want to let go so I feel it's up to him.


His wife knows we are so called "buddies". We used to talk on messenger every night. His computer has been broken since January and his buddy still hasn't gotten around to fixing it. I'm sure his wife has everything to do w/ the computer not being fixed and our cancelled meetings. I know she's his WIFE and I'm not but then why doesn't he just let me go????


I know what the majority of you are thinking and I know we both need to let go cus we are both married........but what do u do when your in love???? He claims him and his wife have no relationship. He says they talk on the phone for 3 minutes tops and that he doesn't spend any time w/ her. I feel like I'm getting the cold shoulder now or is it just that he is getting more comfortable in this relationship??? I just wish he would be honest and tell me his true feelings. I am to the point where I can't even ask him anymore cus he says I am giving him his 'November' speech. He's told me time and time again that he still loves me and is interested. I just dunno anymore. Any advice????

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Why get yourself a good shovel? Because the bullsh*t he's tossing your way is getting mighty deep. Let's see now, his grandmother was ill, his uncle died, his cabin had a leaky roof, work called him..what's next, the dog ate his homework or he was temporarily abducted into the mothership by aliens?


This guy is married. He's making up BS stories for having to cancel on you because (drum roll)....he's obviously not able to get away, because: HE HAS A WIFE.


Why would you want to devote your time/heart/energy into someone who's not available for the taking? A guy who's betraying the commitment and vows he made to his wife? Does this seem like the kind of good, decent, moral man you would want to have a future with? He's a dog who's probably the king of telling lies....lies to his wife, lies to you. That's what cheaters do.


There's no future here for you. Dump him. Heal, then find yourself someone who's actually available.

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If i were you, i would tell him to f*ck off. Just the the first person replied "he is not available, he is married". Why would you want to put up with someone else's man that you may never have. He is going to leave your heart broken. If you do take him from her he is only going to cheat on you just as he is doing her. Do you really want that? I say tell that lying bastard to go somewhere and blow himself.

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