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how to balance work, school and relationship

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We all have busy lives. I'm looking for tips on sustaining a well balanced/happy life in general. I'm putting this thread in dating because I want to make my new relationship work with all the responsibilities from work and school. We have been dating for 5+ months and became official three weeks ago.



He's very nice about it so far, and I have been trying my best to spend time with him. But lately work and school are getting more demanding, and I don't want to risk of losing him or my job.



My work is sponsoring me to take programming classes (they are pretty challenging but I want to invest in my future). If it comes down to work and family, I would sacrifice school if things are not working out. But I want to try to balance them and not bring stress into the relationship as much as possible.

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I once askes myself the same question and one of the members here on LS told me that work is important. It defines who you are. You provide for yourself through your job and it makes you independent. Working is healthy.


But working a lot does not mean you should be inconsiderate towards your SO. Being busy is one thing, but not giving your SO the attention he or she needs is a sure way to crush your relationship. If you still give your SO the attention he or she deserves, make the effort to spend the little of sparetime you've got with your SO, then I think you should not worry about it. If your SO thinks that it's not enough then that's their problem. Don't blame yourself.


Maybe it's because I am a guy, but I value my career over a relationship. When my ex broke up with me a year ago, due to the fact I needed to work two jobs for six days a week, I got mad at myself. Very mad. How could I neglect her and not put the same effort in the relationship af before? But a year on I'm glad I made the decision to work six days, because that period of internships indirectly lead to my current job. And I love my current position.


Never let anyone block the path you want to take.

Edited by NVO
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