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Social media and her on again/off again bf


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Hey everyone,


I'll preface this by saying I've always been a bit romantically naive so the answer to my dumb problem is probably something simple I'm not seeing.


I'm a 28 year old guy, a few months ago (early Feb) a girl (29) followed me on Twitter. No big deal. I mean, it's Twitter of all places. But after a huge favorite-ing streak on her part, we struck up a conversation. She seemed cool/interesting, even found out I painted and commissioned me to paint something for her. So, things were going great, we talked often and it seemed our crush-y feelings were mutual (I was hit with the "I love talking to you" message quite a bit and she even admitted to her crush later, like last week). We're only live an hour apart so I was set up ask her out in real life.


And then around mid February I started noticing some tweets relayed to someone else and I pretty much confirmed she was back together with her ex-boyfriend whom she had recently broken up with (around the time we started talking). So, sure she's cool girl but that was that, I thought. Went about my life, plenty of other fish in the sea. Even went out on a few dates with some other girls. Felt good. This girl and I still talked every now and then (she even drunk texted me during at some point), but I kept my distance. A woman in a relationship is just that. I don't mess that stuff up.


That brings us to now. A few weeks ago she really starts ramping up the flirty talk again and it turns out she's broken up with the guy again. At this point I'm wary of things like being a rebound, etc., but I liked this girl enough to keep things going. Finally, got a break in my work schedule and said, let's do something on the 24th. She was really excited. Cool, I thought. BUT just today, she's back with the ex-boyfriend dude again.


So, now I'm thinking, should I politely back out of my invitation? How should I go about saying it? It would seem kind of awkward to hang out now, you know? She's awesome, but I'm not about the friendzone life, haha.



Sorry I couldn't make this shorter. I tend to ramble. And yes, I know, it's a dumb problem.

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How do you know she's back together with her ex? Does she tell you?


Clarify that you want to go on a date with her and ask her if she is single..see how she reacts. If she's excited, great, if she makes any comments about another dude or not being entirely single then you have your answer. Yes it's putting yourself out there, but you'd be more of a fool if you go out and make a move only to get slapped down because you two had your wires crossed.

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Yes, back out of the date and don't ask her out again. She is clearly using you for attention while she is dealing with her relationship drama.


And although her relationship is unlikely to last, you would be a rebound.


I think you already knew all that.

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