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What's going on here?


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Met a guy through online dating. Went on 2 dates, they went really well, he put his arms around me, held my hand, we kissed. We had a lot in common and we converse very well together. We had some cute texting going on the next 2 days after 2nd date, then he messaged me if I wanted to go to this fun event either the next day or the day after. I was a bit annoyed he sort of waited till the last moment to ask me since he had been telling me we should go to this event for days, but hadn't asked me to go yet. I told him I was busy. I asked if this fun event could be scheduled on the weekend, he said it's unavailable. Then he disappeared and didn't say we should do something else on the weekend nor that he is available for the weekend. I found that odd. So to sum up that interaction: he asked me out for the next two days, I wasn't available but showed I was available on the weekend, and he just didn't say anything else. Ironically, I noticed he was online on the dating site that night.


Next morning, my friend convinced me that if I like the guy I should maybe give him a nudge to let him know I like him because maybe he isn't totally sure, so I told him I canceled my plans and would like to go to this event with him that night. He was thrilled and we ended up going out again and it was a great time. He really tried to get to know me again and I asked him a lot about himself too. He told me how much he likes spending time with me and talking to me. He told me that since he had come up with the date ideas for last few dates, that I could come up with the next one. We discussed maybe the movies would be fun, I said I would see what's playing and also think of what to do some more.


I also had mentioned that I like when he texts me hello, asks about my day and says goodnight because I was trying to tell him what I like and what my standard is when communicating with someone I'm dating. Oddly, he didn't text me goodnight that night which I noticed he hadn't done after the last date either, nor did he check if I got home safely. This little thing isn't a big deal, but I just figured after telling him this time what I like about him, I thought he would pick up on it and put in the effort...In fact, the next day, I didn't hear from him at all.


And then the day after was the day we planned to get together for our next date and I still didn't hear from him. It irked me that I didn't hear from him just to even say hello. I like the man to take the lead and take some initiative so that's why I hadn't texted him. I hoped he would text me to confirm getting together or at least ask how my day went since I felt that I really reached out last time after he disappeared when I told him I wasn't available the two days he asked me to go to that fun event. I thought I really put in some effort by telling him I canceled my plans so we could go out and also told him I wanted to spend more time with him.


It got to the point where I assumed he lost interest and so I made other plans for that night, but ended up finally hearing from him pretty late at 8pm asking me if I wasn't interested in getting together anymore. I explained I thought the same about him. He explained he thought I was going to come up with something since he didn't want to take over our date choices. He claimed it was a misunderstanding and he had been thinking why I wasn't texting him. I told him about the plans I already made with my friend and her bf and told him I'd like to see him and would like him to come out with us. He declined and told me to have a good time.


Then two days went by without hearing from him. I decided to text him and ask how he is. Haven't heard from him yet.


That's where I'm at right now. I feel pretty baffled.


Any advice, opinions for me? Would be much appreciated, thanks!

Edited by swans7
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