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The dangers of "hooking up" if you are a 16 year old boy


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STORY (http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=412433): 16 yo boy meets 20 yo girl. Sexual intercourse takes place. To quote him: "...I was so naive and young, she led me to believe she couldn’t get pregnant if we had sex at certain times of the month or even certain times of the day..." She got pregnant and told him. They broke up and "lost contact".


Fast forward 8 years. The 16 yo boy, now a 24 yo man, is sued for support of an 8 year old boy by a distant state court when the boy's mother goes on welfare. The pathetically tiny support amount in question, including arrears, is $1500. His life with his current fiance and 2 yo daughter is disrupted. The father will almost certainly have another 10 years of support to pay. A very lasting consequence of a quick act of teenaged lust.


MY TAKE: It is unfortunate that his parents did not protect him from unsafe entanglements when he was 16. Also that he was not listening during sex ed (or maybe he just had "abstinence education"). The 8 yo boy exists and was fathered by the 16 yo boy, so it is the father's legal and moral obligation to support the boy. That the father was a minor at the time the baby was conceived is irrelevant in most jurisdictions, unless the minor father can prove coercion on the part of the female ("she raped me").

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That the father was a minor at the time the baby was conceived is irrelevant in most jurisdictions


It damn well shouldn't be, given how we hear about statuatory rape cases all the time, especially when its young girl/older guy. The DV industry and family law is out of control. This reminds me of a worse case out in Michigan a year or so ago. 20 year old baby sitter who was married seduced her 14 yr old male charge, alcohol was involved alegedly and she got pregnant. She passed it off as her hubby's kid. 12 years later, divorce happens, dad finds out kid isn't his. State and mommy go after 14yr old rape victim (now in his twenties) who has never known his kid existed for child support and win it. Its like saying to a 15 year old girl, you have to have this kid your rapist impregnated you with, you have to give it up at birth to the man who raped you, never see it, and of course, pay for half of its support.



It is a shame that he never learned about the birds n the bees adequately and I have little sympathy for him in that regard but no way do I feel bad for welfare mommy. She never told him about his son till she needed money from Uncle Sam and was "forced" to (government wants some of its money back ya know..). What if she hadn't? Would he have ever known? How is that fair? He lost out on 8 years of his son's life. From his description, he ought to sue for custody and definately get a DNA test, blood tests are not conclusive. He's also damn lucky its only $1500 bucks. If they hit him for back support for more than $5k he's an instant "deadbeat dad". Hell, they still tanked his credit rating for something he had NO control over.


Since he's paying he ought to get visitation rights and be able to talk to the kid. The kid is the one who deserves most of the sympathy. Guy needs to prove mommy is unfit and get the boy shipped out to him. BS like this just pisses me off. :mad:

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