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The Intangibles


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People on here or other boards focus so much on things such as looks, status, age, wealth and all of that but to me what really hold a relationship together are the intangibles.


How do they react when you both see each other after a long day at work?


What is their demeanor around you and how do they speak to you?


How do they react to your touch


Do you get hot for each other?


Do you look forward to seeing each other after a long time apart?


Any two people living under the same roof will have some disagreements but do you treat each other as the enemy instead of partners with occasional differences?


Are they genuinely happy for you when something good happens in your life and are they there for the dark times?


Do you genuinely enjoy each other's company?


This is the kind of stuff that really holds a relationship together.


What are people's thoughts on this?

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Well ya. I mean I file this all under the topic of "chemistry". Chemistry is huge for me. Sure some of those qualities you mentioned have to be present for me to even give it a shot but without those intangibles... That chemistry... It doesn't go anywhere. Honestly I can't even tell you what they are except when they're present you Know it. My GF and I have it in spades. Like none other. Could I date wealthier women? Sure. Could I go out and date physical specimens? Been there done that. But it all pales in comparison. Like not even on the same spectrum.


Intangible are elusive. They're intoxicating. They're magic. Mmmmm good stuff.

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