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Mild interest from gal?


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I've been going out with this gal, made out a few times, got further then that. She even booty calls me now. >.>

At first she was more interested, now not so much, maybe she feels to secure with me.

I seem to show more interest in this whole "thing" whatever it is...not talked about it or named it.


I feel like she is just using me, while i want something more serious. She says she likes me but won't express herself fully.

Booty calls me and talks with me mostly just at night ._. when i reckon she has noone else to chat with.

Anything i can do to get her more invested? Should i back off for a while.

Or just quit, thanks :).

Edited by Xiang
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How's your self respect? Do you think that you deserve less than what you want?


If you feel like you are being used, don't go back for seconds. She isn't giving you what you want, and that isn't going to magically change one day.


You can choose to stay and always want more, or you can choose to let her go and find something more to your liking.

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Xiang, in my opinion, if she's just a booty call then keep it as such. Just evaluate what you have and bask in the notion that you found a girl who you are attracted to that just wants a sexual commitment. That said, if you are developing strong feelings for her, your best course of action would be to discuss this with her and sort of feel out her response. If its clear that she would not pursue a relationship, then politely break it off and distance yourself.

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Xiang, in my opinion, if she's just a booty call then keep it as such. Just evaluate what you have and bask in the notion that you found a girl who you are attracted to that just wants a sexual commitment. That said, if you are developing strong feelings for her, your best course of action would be to discuss this with her and sort of feel out her response. If its clear that she would not pursue a relationship, then politely break it off and distance yourself.

Will do :). Allready tried once when i got home from work, atmitedly it was kinda late and i had to do it over FB. (phone lost)

Maybe just coincidence but when i wanted to talk about it, she just went offline and cut the conversation. Next day saying she was busy.

I guess that's as clear as it gets and i should move on :\.

Hard for me, i don't get much to begin with xD.

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