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Dealing with my anxiety


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My girlfriend who I love very much has made me feel insecure about what she has said to me in the past about her ex-boyfriend. It's been a lot worse ever since I lost my virginity to her.


She used to go into great detail of how her ex-boyfriend used to be in bed. She even said that out of all her past relationships, this one boyfriend made her feel something completely different. She also told me that she used to get him a lot of good things on his birthday (3 shirts and a dinner). This girl didn't get me anything for my birthday (except a simple cologne from Hollister). For christmas I told her I was going to get her something. She replied saying that I shouldn't get anything for her as she can't get anything for me because she is really tight on her money (single mother with three kids).


She claims she loves me very much ...she introduced me to her kids and her family too which she didn't do with her ex.


But part of me feels insecure about how she praised her bf. It affects my self-esteem, self-confidence and even my performance in bed. I'm not sure what I can do to help myself. I do have anxiety issues but its mainly because of the things she used to say. She has apologized to me and said she would never say it again to me but part of me still cringes and its affected alot of facets in my life.


I need help. Someone please help me.

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however great he was the relationship didnt work out so it cant have been all a bed of roses ...whatever she says about her ex she is now with you and she shouldnt discuss bedroom habits that she had with him....with you...its just not the thing to do......and as far as you have written she is sorry for it...





if she does it again ....cut the conversation short by saying

i am not comfortable with talking about your ex and the sex you had can we not talk about it please......







she surely would if you were comparing her to an ex....in how she kissed or made love.....its not done...dont let her do it to you.....cant do much about the anxiety you now feel..except for you to know that whatever she had with her ex its over .........she needs to appreciate what she has with you now and not what she had back then..if she appreciates you and your relationship hopefully for you the anxiety will fade and not be so pronounced......good luck...deb

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I would probably leave someone like this. At the very least, a serious conversation is in order about how offensive and damaging this is.

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