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How do you get to know and date a Sheltered Girl?


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A Sheltered Girl. She's extremely shy and quiet. She's very Religious. How long does it take to get to know her, etc and go date her? How long does it take to get to know her, etc and to eventually ask her out to date her?


Thank you All :)

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Don't waste your time. Unless you go to the same church and know her parents, you don't have a chance to have anything progress to a relationship.

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What you do is you be yourself, dont think of her as sheltered, because she may have alternate thoughts that you have no idea about.


Approach her in the same way as anyone else.

Ask her what she likes. so on and so forth

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talk to her heart and where her heart is which si god...talk to her about her beliefs what she loves about her faith.,....what she truly believes in .....and why she has a testimony.......that will get her talking...then tell her yours and where your passion lies.....from the heart to a heart is the only way to go.do so with the utmost respect for her and her faith.......deb

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