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Am I over analyzing or is there really something awry?


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So my boyfriend and I have recently moved in together. (We've been living together now for three weeks and total we've been dating for almost two months. A situation arose I needed a place to stay he told me to move in with him, so I did.) Things were great at first we are awesome together, I think he's a great guy and we truly are attracted to eachother. Although I'm noticing now since we've been living together we went from having sex two to three times a week to once a week. Of course in my brain I'm getting nerve wracked thinking that there's something wrong with me that he doesn't want me now and afraid I'm doing everything wrong. When I asked him about it he said that even when he's attracted to someone, that doesn't mean that he wants to have sex all the time. Of course then my brain went a million mikes a mjnute with that too. I should mention that he does have a two yr old daughter that is with us most of the time so its not like I expect him to be able to drop everything and be intimate whenever. But I'm feeling like maybe he's not as attracted as he was before, even hough he says he is... am I just being too wigged out and need to chill out? I have no idea what to do especially if I'm just building this all up in my brain how do I stop?

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Welcome to the real world...


You moved in awfully fast with the guy and you are coming out of the honeymoon period. I wouldn't be surprised if, a year from now, you were back here complaining you only have sex once a month or less.


I think you are also equating physical intimacy with emotional intimacy so if the rest of your relationship is moving along okay, than you are definitely over-reacting.


Above all, communication is key. If you want and need sex two, three or four times a week and he does not, ultimately your relationship will not work out. Finding that commonality in sexuality is a difficult process and you are learning the hard way = AFTER moving in with someone without talking about these things beforehand.

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Living together is a big step, one you might have taken too soon.


I think it kills the honeymoon phase, definitely, because now he sees you much more often, and in all your glory (no makeup, etc etc)


For some guys, that kind of stuff may be too much early on. I know it would be for me, although admittedly I'm not a relationship kind of guy at this point in my life.

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hi...how old are you?.......you've moved in way too soon, i understand there were desperate circumstances though. For heavens sake give each other space, otherwise you'll end up killing each other....

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