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I think he regrets going out with me


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For the sake of this post, I'll refer to my boyfriend as "J." We're both 16.

J and I have known each other for a year, and we talked quite frequently. Then about a month ago we really started talking, a lot. He texted me one night and that just set it off, so that we began texting all day everyday. Then three weeks ago we started dating. Everyone says we're perfect for each other, but I have my doubts.

He's had two serious relationships; I've had none. I'm a little insecure, and a huge worrywort, so I think that's part of my problem. But lately he's been taking forever to reply to my texts. It used to be every three or four minutes he'd reply, but now it can be from 20 minutes to several hours. Now you're probably thinking "he's busy" or "he has other friends." But unfortunately, J spends his life on his computer, and has not friends except me.

He says it's because he has a "****ty phone," but it's practically brand new and he gets perfect service where he lives. I think he's taking so long to respond because he doesn't want to talk to me, or even regrets dating me in the first place. Or he could be talking to his ex, whom he dated for a good two years. I know of one time when he said he was taking a nap, but really spent those three hours texting her (I had borrowed her phone to make a call the next morning, and I'm not gonna lie, I looked through her texts.) I'm sure there's more than one though, considering how often he takes "naps." She has a boyfriend who she's been with for a bit over a year now, but I wonder. When school was in, they would hang out all the time between classes, and he was more touchy with her than with me.


I know, I rambled. I'm sorry. But I have three questions for whoever's reading this:

1) Why do you think he's taking so long to respond?

2) Should I be worried about J and his ex?

and 3) How should I confront J about how this bothers me?

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1 - because he likes you, and is trying to appear less available in order to heighten your interest, which is working. Try it on him!


2 - nope


3 - nope. see #1

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1) Why do you think he's taking so long to respond?

2) Should I be worried about J and his ex?

and 3) How should I confront J about how this bothers me?



#1 He isn't interested in knowing you(from the way he behaves) he might just be making use of you in the first place:( I suggest you move on with your own life.


#2 Why should you be so worried about his relationship with his ex? No doubt, no matter how many answers you read here, you'll still be thinking about it. but I seriously think he is not over his Ex, for lying to you that he was taking a nap. If he wasn't over her in the first place, he shouldn't have even gotten involved with you:mad: poor girl but I think this is a wake up call. I'll be terribly angry if my bf did this to me . and you have the right to be angry. Don't hold on to him too tightly, He knows you are, and might have taken advantage of it, you become more like his rebound. This relationship is between you and him, and you deserve your rights to know whats going on.


#3 Yes, you should confront him. Tell him what you discovered but don't make a bitch fit over the whole matter. be calm about approaching it and you've only been a while together(and yet he's Already lying to you) can you imagine what it will be like a few months down?

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If I thought a girl I really like alot (maybe loved) had a new boyfriend, I'd easily wait a year for her to try him out. But with my luck I'd get caught just window shopping other women, while she'd be sleeping with him, but maybe not having sex with him.


If she came back to me I would not be mad at all, because I had been too weak before to ask her to marry me. However, I would think less of her if she'd lost her virginity to another guy without giving me a chance, IF at that time she was not completely over me and I was still waiting.

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