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In big trouble: How to approach her??

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Hi everyone,


since I have met that lovely and sweet assistant in our local bookshop I am in a bif dilamma: Would like to invite her for a coffe or drink but an helpless in terms of how can I approach her! A bookshop has unfortunately not quite the same atmosphere as a cafe/bar.


Maybe I start off with a book order or recommendation to get into a conversation. But even if I would try that, how could I change to the more personal level??


Even though she is wearing I ring I doubt that this would have any implication as my former girl friend was wearing one when I met her.


Please give me hints or advice how to approach her.


Thanks so much



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Just walk right up to her, smile, and ask her how she is. Then ask her if she's seeing anybody. That ring on her finger may have a lot of significance than the one on the finger of your ex when you met her.


Once you've ascertained she is not in a committed relationship, just ask her if she'd like to get together for a drink or lunch or something.


Be a man. There is simply no other way of doing this under these circumstances. You've got to go for what you want. Just walk right up to her, be confident, and get the information you want...and a date.

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i think asking if she's seeing anyone RIGHT AWAY is a bit much. Offer taking her out for lucnh, and THEN ask if she's seeing anyone (during lunch)...


just my view,


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