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he calls, but doesn't make plans


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I met a guy two weeks ago, the week before christmas, gave him my number and he texted the next day. He lives about an hour away from me. I didn't reply straight away, so as to retain mystery. Then I called I invited him to a christmas party and he couldn't come because he was going to another christmas party, so I assumed he just wasn't that into me. That night he texted from his party continuously, the last of which was at 2.30 in the morning when he wanted to talk online. I played it cool, didn't immediately respond. We played phone tag for a bit (he called me first) and because it was christmas didn't want to bring up the subject of meeting up again so soon, thought I would let him ask. Finally, after christmas he called me and we had an aimless conversation (no asking out). The next time we spoke was better and he even made a joke saying he knew he was moving really slow. I texted him after a few days and asked when he was coming to town again (lightheartedly) and nothing. I'm worried I pushed too hard or that there's some reason (other than the hour's distance) why he won't make concrete plans. I'm also worried he's not that into me. Yes, the pop psychology says it's very simple: if he hasn't asked you out, don't hold out hope. But he's been very attentive and actually quite active up until this point. This is where we women get confused - the inconsistency. Any guys on this forum, help me get a bit of insight?

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I think he likes you, why else would he waste time, energy and money to text and call you. Maybe for example, he is just a little busy right now and isnt in a position to take you out.

You just met him so take everything in stride for the time being.

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