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girls and friendships


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Well I've always realized that It's easier to have single friends, than group friends


It always seems like one doesn't like the other, and is always competing for the attention, It's frustrating and aggravating, like its not true friendships at all


Why is it like than when your growing up? Girls easily put eachother down, I've always been nice but when someone is putting me down, than the evil girl side comes out of me..


any of you had the same experiences with your group girl bestfriends?

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no, others had that prob around me...they were fightin for my attention and jealousy reigned..phew, had a hard time!

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others had that prob around me, and it was gettin on my nerves! They were all trying to get my attntion-gues am jus too kool, lol- and it was rather difficult to look at jealous friends..they all wanted me to take each of them as BEST PAL. but now...wid years, I have learnt that loneliness is ur best friend, and then comes ur BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND. Otherwise, friendship is just a ship which sinks. :sick:

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Oh My God the drama!


I always loved having a 'group' of girls to hang with, but you're right! The in-fighting and gossiping would just annoy me!


I find it a lot easier just to hang with a couple of friends at a time. I like seeing people at work and then when I'm off, maybe just go shopping with one friend.


As you get older, you find you don't really hang out with a group so much anymore anyway.

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I've found that even as female age, **some** of them are still attracted to the drama like a fly to poop. Personally, I stay away from girls like that because if they'll gossip to you about someone, they'll gossip about you to someone also.


I think it's a sad sad life when your life is about being up in someone else's business :sick::sick::sick::sick:

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