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Should I reach out to an ex-friend?


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(sorry for the long post)


I've cut out a lot of people in last 7 months or so, during a really bad depressive episode. There were reasons why I cut these people out, mostly because I felt that causing more aggro to a depressed person by only getting in touch when they wanted or needed something wasn't exactly the behaviour of a good friend.


I don't regret cutting out any of these people as my life has been better off for it...apart from one friend, who had actually has proven to be a reliable, understandable friend in many situations which I will always be grateful for.


With us two, it's always been when one of us is going through a crappy time, the other one was able to help lift her out of it. Because we were both having a crappy time at the same time, I think we just ended up taking it out on each other.


I haven't spoken to her in months and I feel like we're both in much better places than we were a few months ago, and I'm wondering if I should reach out or let sleeping dogs lie?


I do miss her friendship...but at the same time she hasn't attempted to reach out, or even apologised for a situation that I feel she was in the wrong for.


She basically asked me to go to her place of work, on the day that I started a new, full time job no less, to help her out with her job because she was struggling with her workload. Even though I was slightly miffed about the way she went about it (asking if I was free first, as though she wanted to hang out socially, and then asking the favour so I couldn't back out), and also thought it was weird to ask someone to WORK for free, I was happy to help out...until she said something along the lines of: "yeah so it's gonna be really long and tiring work so you once youre done, you can just go home straight after"


When I called her up on it she chose to ignore my texts and calls. So I thought eff that, see ya later. I deleted her off Facebook after we stopped being friends because I know how much time she spends on there judging people...I'm pretty sure she took that personally and that's why she hasn't been in touch.


She also has a habit of bitching about her friends...and then acting all pally pally with them and kissing their arses after. It's just so fake... for example, she was taking the mick about her friend who met a guy online...and then commented on Facebook on a picture of them about how much of a gorgeous couple they were.


Ive made new friends recently though, and I do miss her and the fun times we had. Also, although she does bitch about people, I guess we all do at times and I think its because she struggles to confront people properly... so she just acts fake until she gets over it...whereas I prefer to confront people, then get over it as I just don't know how to be fake with people.


I do think that perhaps the damage is done and I can accept that... but opinions on whether it's best to let the friendship go would be appreciated.

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