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My Friend

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My close friend Katie...


I knew she had a crush on me for a while. Timing was rather poor, as I was in a relationship(with the one I love)...and then after that mess, had no desire to date for a long while.


I would only poke and hint, as I couldn't bring myself fully into this world, again. As time would have it, I would eventually tell her I loved her....(known her for 9 years)....This happened probably five or so months ago. Well, although she knew it, she was rather cold person.


Eventually, I noticed how she would ignore my texts. Or cut them off. This put a burden on our friendship, in which, for months we hadn't spoken, at least two or three months now. She now has gotten in contact with me.


Tells me she is prego, from some guy she has known for two-years. She hasn't dated him, just known him...I guess as a friend. Recently she got knocked up by him, and now they are dating, lol...Impatience will be her death.


Sigh* I knew I was too late for the show, I suppose. Though she still fainted like she liked me...Lol, but that's over now. Now she is mad at me, and stating how I ignore her...which is odd, as I have spoken to her quite often, after all, nine years is a long time to know someone...


I wonder why I feel so...bad, atm? Usually I try to stabilize and control myself...as best as I can...Weird.....I wonder if she even made the right choice? Sure...it's her life, but...eh...I don't know what I am asking...just annoyed she'd contact me, like two days ago, now tell me this; then get mad at me, lol...


I am always the badguy...sigh* Oh well...such is life...

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