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Anyone here believe in Love at first sight?

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Got a problem basically, I feel like I have fallen in love with someone at work, thought I would come somewhere and write it down! feel a bit stupid hehe.


I think she may feel the same way, we flirt a lot and have talked about sex etc.. problem is we are both in relationships! (me 2 years and her 1 year), but I really think we connected when we met and we are always getting in trouble for talking to much when we are in work.


Everyone at work also believes that we may get it together and we get a lot of jokes made about it...alhough she does say we are just friends.


I am starting to believe it may be truely possible for love at first sight to be true, most people probably wouldn't her find her that attractive, I am ok'ish'. But i really like her personality and I could literally talk to her all day.


I believe the problem may be if i tell her how I feel she may knock me back and I may have totally the wrong end of the stick...but on the other hand she might think the same thing! If she said yes, I truely believe she could be the one. We both have partners, bad idea to go there?


EDIT: just thought I would add I have never cheated on my girlfriend ever so this isn't a regular thing! It is a problem for me though as I do't know whether to ask this other girl how she feels.


I would have quit my boring job ages ago if not for this girl! PS my girlfriend does not know this girl nor would they probably ever meet (my girlfriend at the moment lives around 100miles away) bit of a long distance relationship, so if I did make a fool of myself chances are she would probably never know.

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Bad idea to go there and it's a bad idea to date someone where you work.


More than that however is that if you two did get together by either cheating or breaking up with your respective SO's for a relationship sooner or later the termites of insecurity would eat away at one or both of you and the relationship would suffer and possibly die. You both might be worrying and thinking that if he/she did it before they could do it again--to me.


You really don't know what it would be like to be with her in a relationship. Work is one thing but a relationship is a whole different situation. It could be good or it could be bad.


Love at first sight is by definition impossible. I think what happens in situations where people claim love at first sight is that there is initially a strong mutual attraction and that sometimes it grows into love.


If you are not happy with your current relationship do yourself and her a favor and fix what is wrong or end it.

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My friend was in this situation. They each cheated on their SOs. She left hers and he didn't leave his. Now they see each other every day at work and she wants to tear his head off all day long.

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I think the most honest thing to do would be let your girlfriend know a strong chemistry has developed between you and a work colleague. To tell her that you're contemplating acting on it. She'd be hurt, of course, but not nearly as wounded as she'd be if you cheated on her with this girl then let her know about it when (and only when) you were sure that there was a good chance of a relationship blooming between you and your colleague.


Once it's out in the open, the two of you could have a proper discussion as to whether there was any point in carrying on with this relationship you're in. If your gf decided she wanted to persevere, notwithstanding the feelings you have for your colleague, that would be up to her - but at least she'd be making a properly informed decision.


Of course, it's highly unlikely that you'll follow that advice. Sadly, many people in this situation would probably just take the easier path of greater deceit, and judging from this....


my girlfriend does not know this girl nor would they probably ever meet (my girlfriend at the moment lives around 100miles away) bit of a long distance relationship, so if I did make a fool of myself chances are she would probably never know


...you will too.


I hope your gf isn't too wrapped up in you.

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