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Is it normal to be insecure in a new work enviroment?

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FEEL INSECURE *** (I always make typos when I type with music in my ears lol)


or should you always be this unpenetrable force of confidence at all times.


being around people that have 20 years experience, and a six figure salary makes me a little uncomfortable.


plus, add in no prior experience. Trying to sell real estate next to these people is nerve racking. All I can do is think of how horrible they think my sales pitch is.


I feel solid when I'm on my own, and perform much better.


I know this will all change when I get some experience and success under my belt, but right now I'm kind of struggling.

Edited by endlessabyss
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I am assuming you are with a real estate brokerage? Anyways, I worked for a small real estate brokerage for a bit doing marketing and it was a bit weird at first since I was the only employee among brokers who were all much older. It's normal to be nervous in new environments, especially until you pick up on how things are done and how people talk to each other.

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Eternal Sunshine

I think it's best to "fake it till you make it". When I started my current job, there were lot of things I didn't know and I got no training. When someone asked me something I wasn't familiar with, I felt a huge sense of internal panic. I still did my best to appear calm on the surface. It was tough but 6 months later, I am finally feeling :cool:


If you need to vent, go to your friends and family. People tend to see you how you project yourself so at work it's smart to keep insecurities to yourself.

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All of your coworkers were nervous and insecure just like you when they started.

Stay humble, be a sponge, learn from them, ask for advice of how they achieved such sucess but also remember every one starts somewhere so believe in yourself.

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It's definitely normal. Just don't let them see it. They are probably used to newbies who fumble and act scared, don't be that person and you'll earn their respect quickly. And keep in mind, they may be older and make more money, but they weren't always who they are today. And money and age don't make someone more deserving of respect, don't be intimidated by those things. This'll pass, you'll get in the groove eventually.

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It is pretty normal. But believe me, they wouldn't think about "how horrible your sales pitch is". They weren't born as real state workers. They were new to this job once, too and went through what you're going through now. Try not to feel bad and to get the hang of this job. You can even ask for advice from those people, and I am sure they'd be happy to help you c:

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It's about projecting confidence. You don't have to be confident but you do need to act like you are.


Once you get positive reinforcement from those around you then you will become more confident.

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Real estate is a job where you have to flex your 100% independence muscle. It's not as much about being confident as being independent. You're so on your own when it comes down to it and you have to be okay with that in order to really succeed.


In my area, six figures is kinda low for real estate. People here become a realtor to get rich.


One of my friends is in real estate and she's done it a long time. She had to decide what she really wanted and she went for high end houses to retire early. That's not what actually happened though because she now lives wealthy and will only semi-retire because she loves her lifestyle and can't stand to think of not having that income flowing in.


The things I have to say about my friend is she's confident but that comes from her take no sheet attitude, she's quick to make a decision, knows the laws inside and out (even when it comes to permits for construction) and what gives her a big edge besides just knowing everything there is to know about it is she gives her clients the feeling she's taking CARE of them, looking out for them and protecting them from bad deals.


I just called her because I thought it's stupid of me, a non-realtor, to really give you advice even if one of my close friends is a top notch realtor and I have a grasp on it.


She said make SURE to do your homework and ask questions for what you do not know. But above all, do not let them intimidate you because they can be cruel.


She's got a very tough attitude and I think that's actually what the most important thing is. Stand your ground. Be firm.

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