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wants to socialize, i don't

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in my organisation is a manager, not top brass, who is friendly to me, so much do that i have a feeling she wants to socialize with me, i not like her enough to do this, we chat at work, ok, am polite and smiley, but do not want to make friends, we have nothing in common, nor do i trust her, my gut says i will regret ever making friends with her


so what to say? what get out?

Edited by darkmoon
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Don't say anything. Tackling this head on his bad. Avoidance is your best bet. Be polite & professional during work hours. Do not discuss personal things with her & do not spend time out of work with her. Those actions will speak more eloquently than any words.

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Might as well make the most of it and ask for a promotion, lol kidding.

Seriously maybe when you see her talk about work, tell her you have alot to do and don't have time to talk.

If she invites you out tell her I appreciate the offer but spend my time with friends and family or your personal preference is not to meet ANY coworkers outside of work..that way it doesn't become personal.

Don't smile and be so engaging. Pick up the phone to make a call or make your greeting quick but then you say...I need to get to work, enjoy your day.

A little more professional and breif should stop inviting chit chat.

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