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I like my boss and i think he likes me don't know .

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I like my boss i developed a crush on him but now i am not sure how to feel. He is very sweet and we don't really talk outside the job but when we are there it's lots of laughing (because he is so funny), I see him staring at me sometimes and I stare back I don't want my heart broken. He is getting a divorce he told me but I think we are just friends but when ever we are around each other there is lots of blushing, laughing we talk a lot but we keep it professional and sometimes just talk about random stuff. He is so cute I do like this job it pays my bill but it is not a career for me i am a student majoring in business. He does like me but i think he is scared to cross the line. I just want to get to know him and see where it goes there is a lot of tension built up and i am very pretty men tell me all the time he is the hottest man i have ever met i don't know what i am going to do. Torchered!!!! I know there are people in similar situations not knowing how to guard their hearts when you feel a certain way about some one so please reply thank you.

Edited by lovuba101
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What do you want to happen? For him to ask you out? Chances are he won't because he is your boss. His professional reputation would be at risk if he dated one of his employees, as well as your own reputation too. Personal relationships at work are hard enough, will be even harder if you 'date' the boss.


Also, do you know 100% for sure he and his wife are divorcing or is that a rumour?


Leave it as a crush, enjoy it for what it is (ego feed).

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Have you taken Business Ethics or Human Resourse Law yet? Have you read your companies HR policies?


You say this job is not part of your career. The attitude you have at this job and whatever your duties, you should start thinking of your job as another part of your career foundation.

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