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Hi all,


I have this female co-worker I have been good friends with for around 5 years. We take breaks and lunches together all the time(just the two of us). Every once in a while we will go to the casino after work. For the longest while I thought never of this but lately others in the office have been making more and more comments about us. They joke that we are work husband and work wife. A few have commented that I "follow her around like a puppy". As result it has got me thinking...maybe too much. She doesn't ever take breaks or lunches with anyone else...she never asks anyone else to go to the casino after work with her (despite having some other female co-worker friends). We both tell each other everything that is going on in our personal lives. We joke around with each other a lot and we text each outside of work maybe a handful of times a week. I would say its 50-50 on who sends the first text. I have never looked at it as more than friends. It could be just her being friendly and sadly I am horrible on picking up on clues.


My two questions are 1. do you think she might be a crush on me? and 2. how can I find out without straight up asking her? (cause I think straight up asking her would make it uncomfortable at work). Thoughts?? I apologize if there isn't enough information.

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It's hard to say from what you have told. Sounds like it could go either way.


You know what someone did to me and someone I worked with that worked? We all went out as a group and his friend (a coworker he knew that liked me) pointed and said "you two would make a cute couple." I knew his friend knew he liked me then. You could get a friend to do that and see what she says.


Ask her if she has ever tried online dating and see where the conversation leads?

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