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How to deal with "piggy-backers" in group class activities.

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So when it comes to Lab for my science classes, I prefer working alone or with other people who are of the same rigor as me and contribute to the work. This summer session I ended up sharing a table with this other girl who pretty much expects me to take the lead for every exercise we do; she never takes the initiative to complete the lab work herself, she's always looking to me for directions and asking to look at my work in order to complete her own work. How do you deal with people like this? I'm growing tired of having to "hold her hand" through every lab activity and she's basically piggy-backing off the work I do.

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Unfortunately you cannot do much about this or your grade will suffer.


If you are the stronger student I suggest you be thankful for the abilities you were given and recognize that not everyone is as gifted as you.


That may make it more bearable.

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When I do group projects with classmates, I usually take the lead. I like it that way. As a group, we define what portions of the work will need to be done, and each person selects a portion of the work that he wants to be responsible for. You may want to meet with her and divide up the job into specific sections, and then discuss between you who will be responsible for which sections. That way, you are not holding her hand throughout and she is responsible for a specifically defined segment of the work.

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That happened to me for almost all my classes senior year. I just sucked it up, earned the As, and then would brag about it for years.

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I wish I could say I had a great answer, but I don't. When required to do group projects like that I chose to take the lead and assign the other person really simple tasks so that they still did something, but they couldn't screw it up and ruin my grade. In my group work teachers always required we evaluate our group partners and I would just point out that my partner lacked the capability to work independently and I had to carry the project in order to succeed.

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Get used to it. The work world is like this too. A way to improve the equity is to learn to delegate. Users can be useful resources.

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