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Hi guys,


Really am at a loss at what to do. Me and said colleague (will name them "Jo") sell paper and office supplies. She has recently been given a new base in which she is making more profit from them and therefore more commission.


There are sour grapes as this account base should have been shared. It's just that because her figures are bad she gets the "boost". My problem is she is conning the company. She has twiddled the figures on the reporting system to make her get no commission to £400 in her pay. I overheard the conversation where she told our accountant to go with what the report says. Even though she has told our manager she is on much lower a figure. I work hard for the profit I get and it's her fault she let her base slide. She is the bosses favourite and I know if I was to say something to him she would play dumb and go, "oh yeah, I missed that" and he would sweep it under the carpet.


I don't know what to do, I hate people that lie and slack, she is so lazy it is unbelievable. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated and if you have any questions I will more than happily answer them.


Thanks xxx

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Hi guys,


Really am at a loss at what to do. Me and said colleague (will name them "Jo") sell paper and office supplies. She has recently been given a new base in which she is making more profit from them and therefore more commission.


There are sour grapes as this account base should have been shared. It's just that because her figures are bad she gets the "boost". My problem is she is conning the company. She has twiddled the figures on the reporting system to make her get no commission to £400 in her pay. I overheard the conversation where she told our accountant to go with what the report says. Even though she has told our manager she is on much lower a figure. I work hard for the profit I get and it's her fault she let her base slide. She is the bosses favourite and I know if I was to say something to him she would play dumb and go, "oh yeah, I missed that" and he would sweep it under the carpet.


I don't know what to do, I hate people that lie and slack, she is so lazy it is unbelievable. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated and if you have any questions I will more than happily answer them.


Thanks xxx


Okay, this will be tough but I promise to refrain from making any Wertham Hogg/UK Office jokes. :o


I understand how frustrating this situation must be for you, especially when this person is one of the bosses favorite. I can only suggest that you make sure you continue to do your work the correct way, document everything and cover your "arse".


Miss. Favorite will trip up soon enough on her own. Don't try to put the spotlight on her because that could backfire on you and make it worse for you. There's the old saying for dishonest people like that which goes "if you give them enough rope, they will hang themselves". She'll trip up and when she does just make sure your work isn't entangled in her work at all.

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