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Working for satan himself. What can i do?

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I am at the end of my rope with my job. The drama is unbelievable. If I go into detail this will be pages long. Let’s just say I have lost a lot of weight, started smoking after 3 yrs w/o, dry heave before work in the am…etc, etc, etc. It is that bad. I am mentally and physically unable to go on anymore. I really think I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I have had many talks/meeting with management trying to improve things but I am just beaten down and I really can’t take it anymore. Everything is blamed on me. If they don’t see it, it doesn’t exist. I am making things up or taking things the wrong way. Today they blamed it on my hearing.


To give you an idea- there is another person there who wants to leave. The first time he mentioned it the owner threatened to sue him if he left. Then today he tried to quit again and the owner said (this is during a management meeting w/ witnesses) that he would make sure the guy would not be able to find another job if he left. He doesn’t even care that the guy has kids to feed.


I have been looking for a job since January. I have sent out at least 40 resumes and been on 5 interviews. Nothing. I am starting to think that they may have called my current job and he gave me a bad reference out of spite. I swear he is the devil. There is not one decent bone in his body. I have a BFA but I can’t find a thing in the arts much less anything else. Because of it none of the low paying-hold you over jobs will call me back. I think that the degree scares people away. I have my resume on every online service in the state. I am afraid if I quit I will not find anything. I have only $800 in savings and live alone. I am afraid if I stay I am going to have a breakdown or waste away. I can’t remember the last time I was this thin. I just want to move on and find a different job and be happy. I am trying so hard to make a good change in my life and I feel like at this point I have done everything that I can, it is all out of my hands. I am having a very hard time dealing with it all.


So I guess I am asking… would it look that bad to an interviewer if I was not currently working (and how would I explain why)? Do we really have any rights? Everyone else wants to keep their jobs, no one would back us up if we did say anything. How can he make threats like this? …and then can’t understand why we are miserable there!


I guess I just needed someone to listen and hopefully give out any advice if they have it (I hope).



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Drop the degree off your resume. Check out want ads in the paper and gear your resume to each job. Find all the employment agencies in town and sign up with them. Emphasize all your office skills and forget any degrees or other education. You need to get out of where you are and you need cash - you can worry about your career later when you're settled.


How can he make threats like this? …and then can’t understand why we are miserable there!


He can't but you don't want to try to take him on until you're safely gone. Concentrate on finding jobs locally. Forget the online resumes - instead scan the sites of your local companies. Sign up for classified ad job alerts. Check out government jobs. Check your set of 'job hunt' bookmarks at least once a week. Expect to spend a minimum of an hour an evening on the search.


You must make each resume suit the job you're applying for - take off the irrelevant things and play up whatever experience you have in what they're asking for.

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What's a job when you don't have your health?


I say walk out. Let him give you a bad reference. Draft him a letter and copy an attorney, making it clear to him that if he does anything at all to lessen your chances of landing a job, there will be legal ramifications.


If he does anything, he could be sued for deformation of character.


Another thing you might consider......I haven't worked for a boss in nearly 20 years. Is there a hobby you enjoy that you could turn into a career?


I have a motto....'If it ain't fun, I ain't doin' it'


Do yourself a favor, and tell these people off....you could always flip burgers to pay the rent....

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burning 4 revenge

Go to graduate school friend.


I loved history, but hated all the jobs that would hire me with that worthless piece of paper. I've hated all the jobs I've had since graduating college. That's why I'm in my early 30's and in Grad School.


Some people will call you a loser, but most intelligent people will understand. It's a complicated world out there and sometimes we have to adapt to the circumstances. Hollywood and all of their happy endings never prepare you for a world that isn't made to order.

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To give you an idea- there is another person there who wants to leave. The first time he mentioned it the owner threatened to sue him if he left. Then today he tried to quit again and the owner said (this is during a management meeting w/ witnesses) that he would make sure the guy would not be able to find another job if he left. He doesn’t even care that the guy has kids to feed.


Sorry to hear you feel stuck in such a miserable situation.


Have you and the guy you mentioned in the above quote had any discussions about this? Are you keeping a diary of these events? Make sure you start recording it all. I'm with Moose in that I really think you need to consult a lawyer asap. I appreciate that the owner has made these "I'll make sure you never work in this town again" threats, but how realistic are these? If you believe that this guy controls your destiny, then that belief will start to undermine your efforts in finding other work. Lots of people leave jobs in less than amicable circumstances, and do pick up their lives and get other jobs.


Perhaps there's scope for you to use the threat of a constructive dismissal claim to negotiate a compromise agreement (ie agreeing terms for the termination of your employment) which would include an agreed reference and a severance payment. Go and see a lawyer. I appreciate that you might not want to be seen (by your employer) to be taking legal advice...but he doesn't need to know. At least discuss your legal options here; doing that doesn't bind you to any action that you might ultimately regret. You could check the possibility of getting an "out of office hours" appointment - or call in sick and make an appointment then (would be an idea to make an appointment with your doctor at the same time).


I really hope you can extricate yourself from this horrible situation without too much hassle and heartbreak.

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