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Feeling Alone When I'm Not

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I don't know why I feel so alone even with my partner and my kid around. I have a family but we don't see each other often. I cry often, when I'm the only one awake in the middle of the night. I have regrets, things that I have not done when I was younger.


I feel guilty for feeling this way, but I don't know how to let these feelings disappear. Can you please help me?

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Hi ChanSummary.


If I understand correctly, you are experiencing a type of 'inner emptiness' that cannot be filled up or fixed through outer conditions, circumstances, relationships,

material possessions, etc.?


If this is so, you could look at ways to do things in life that will help you to feel more fulfilled.

It might be anything: volunteering, taking art classes, yoga, learning a new language, meditation, gardening, etc., etc. The point is that it will make your 'heart sing',

as it were. This is important personal work, so be encouraged to replace some lesser-fulfilling activity that may now be taking up your time with a more meaningful one.


Is it possible that your thoughts of regret over the past are only meant to be guiding you to take positive steps and action now, in the present?

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Inner emptiness is guiding you towards spirituality. You are seeking something more sacred than the mundane. As a linear logical thinker, I used to deny anything that wasn't pragmatic or concrete. However, I felt an emptiness I couldn't describe. I turned to studying various mystics, religions and ideologies yet none were for me. Through this study though, I found myself meditating, applying Buddhist principles like letting go and awareness and enveloping myself in nature. I developed my own spiritual practice based on integrity, kindness, compassion, personal responsibility and connection with nature.

It is possible you are seeking enlightenment within and your spirit is trying to guide you to something higher and outside of the material world.



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Wait, you regret things you haven't done? Or you regret the choices you made that have brought you to this place?


Big difference. Most of the former can be remedied. The latter, that's going to take some peacemaking with yourself.

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