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The Now - A mindfulness iPhone App

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If you have ever read about mindfulness (A Precious Present, or The Power of Now), you know it's all about staying in the moment. This is really great because you can stay happy and develop strong, wonderful relationships. But sometimes it can get hard to stay in the moment with all the stress of work and life.


You want to be mindful, and you have an iPhone. Why not use it to help?


We created a great iPhone app called "The Now" that reminds you periodically with messages designed to help you stay in the present. When you're about to have lunch, you might get a message from our app reminding you to savor the taste of your food instead of just eating it quickly.


We really enjoyed creating The Now. It was very mindful creating all these reminders about the present, and we'd like you all to enjoy it too. You'll have to try, but The Now will help you each day to stay in the moment.


You can get more info at our website http://shackedapps.com/now.html or check it out on the App Store.


We love feedback, so feel free to get in contact with us via email or right here. Thanks.

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