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oooh... baby weight go away

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I have a 7 month old daughter... and when iw as pregnant i went from a healthy 135-140 to close to 200 lbs... and i cant seem to shake the extra weight no matter how hard i try. i eat a very healthy diet, and try to excersize as much as possible and it just wont go away. my ideal weight is just back to where i was before i had my baby, and i've heard that after you have a kid thats the hardest weight you will ever have to loose... :mad:

does anyone have any advice either personal advice you used or a SO or someone you know that dropped the pesky baby weight?


any suggestions are welcome :)



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Congrats! I am sure your baby girl was well worth the weight. And wait. ;)


Did you breast feed? I thought that burned a lot of calories.


My Mom still tells me how I ruined her figure. lol. I do understand losing weight after a baby is exceptionally challenging.


Is it an option to visit a nutritionist/trainer?

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oh yeah... she was well worth everything pregnancy threw at me :)


I didnt breastfeed... i tried and she wouldnt take, but right away when we started bottle feeding she took right to it... adn she has milk allergies so that was our best option to bottle/formula feed.


visiting a trainer is an option i guess, but it can be pretty pricey... and with a baby that's tough...ha!

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Bummer that the breast feeding didn't work. I think I read somewhere that it burns around 800 calories a day. Whoa!


It's hard to really advise you on this type of forum. I mean, losing weight is losing weight, whether it is baby weight, or being lazy and haven't been to the gym in a year weight. I think people say baby weight is the hardest because it comes on more quickly than poor diet, so it seems more impactful. Still, a fat cell doesn't know how it got there, and doesn't care... ;)


You know the drill - cut out excess calories, ie. sugars, useless carbs, junk food. Start exercising - whether walking, running, swimming, yoga - get moving.

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