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16 year old in high school ALCOHOLIC , suffer from illusions? weird!!!!!!!!!!

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OK, so last year i was a freshman in high school. it was the craziest year of my life! to start off, i was 14, not too popular, not a loner , and i was friends with alot of kids that smoked and drank.I had normal friends too.

Well they were nice and accepted me.

Anyways, i got interested and started drinking quite frequently.i would buy beer , ( 6 and 12 packs) quite often from my friend. i would also buy vodka from him sometimes.


I threw parties at my sisters house, she wouldnt really mind.I became friends with the cheerleaders, and they would come, and bring people with them. well for a freshman i was surprised at what i accomplished.


Well anyways when ever i had a crazy party and my sisters house I would burn out the next day.


Maybe from all the hyper in me, i dont know. With time, i would start getting illusions in my head (stil have them sometimes), like "wow did i really do this with that girl?" or "wow did we really pull that off?" and i would kind of get scared of drinking. then i would quit for maybe 3 weeks and do it again.




These thoughts bother me sometimes , because i do not know if i embarrassed myself drunk, and what other people saw or remember.We were never wasted, maybe 5 beers i drank at once. Most people i ask , dont really remember those drinking parties.I was kind of addicted to alcohol last year. then i kind of started to control it , not getting cold turkey anymore. The alcohol sometimes made me weird things.





How do i get rid of these thoughts bothering me in my head if i dont know whats real? Maybe it was my ego? if i ask someone something from last year, they might think im joking. maybe they wont remember at all.

Edited by stanlovesJ
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So you drank a lot of beer. (for a 14 year old)


Then, you're not sure if you remember things correctly the next day?


That's a fairly normal reaction to overdoing it.

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i know but do you think i was imagining stuff?



Do you have a counselor you can see? Or can you talk to your family physician? What you are describing could be a psychiatric condition and the alcohol might be a way of self medicating.


Would you be able to talk to your parents?

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