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Ok I know how cliched and dumb this is gonna sound, but I am going crazy. My boyfriend and I have been together since we were 15, almost six years. He is bipolar and has a lot of problems communicating his feelings to me. He doesn't tell me things because he either thinks I won't understand, or he just can't bring himself to show feelings to me. I don't know how to make him understand that I am the person most likely to understand how he feels, or to at least try. I wish he would tell me more often how he was feeling because I have a hard time reading his moods. What should I do?

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It is gonna take patience. Don't push. My Boyfriend recently moved out after telling me that he couldn't talk to me (something I actually require in a relationship). When I don't push, he is more open... You may want to read book on bi-polar disorders as well. They may hope. I do want to say that I am proud of you for loving him through his illness. He is lucky to have you.

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