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He hasn't forgotten about you? Meaning?

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I'm confused. I haven't spoken to him in 9 months. He disappeared on me for unknown reasons. It turns out some unexpected changes happened which led him to lose his job, apartment and he had to return home. I wasn't aware of all this because on the surface, he disappeared on me and stopped answering my texts (slept with randoms met on sex websites instead). I figured he just took the coward's way out.


I now understand that he wasn't going to talk about his financial woes as we had just started dating (although we met the year before).


Fast forward, 9 months later, someone I know randomly told me "He hasn't forgotten you, you know. Stuff happened but he hasn't forgotten you". I didn't ask them to go in depth because I don't know this person well and quite frankly, it's none of their business.


What is this supposed to mean? What hasn't he contacted me then? (Alright, I don't have FB, changed my email&phone number).

Edited by ShiningMoon
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It's just bad timing. Oh well I wouldn't worry it about it. In my books if a guy can't man up and be honest, he is a coward in life.

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