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Is sex better with crazy girls?


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I have heard people say that sex with girls who are a nutty, psycho, crazy is better.


Now, being a very rational girlfriend of a dude with a very nutty ex, I am naturally curious.


I would think that the yelling, passionate, heated arguments could lead to some good sex. But what about the constant distrust, accusations of cheating, making you look straight ahead in public places so that it can't be misconstrued that you're checking out other girls (this is real stuff she did, not hypothetical) wouldn't all that detract from your sex drive?


Guys? Opinions?

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I'm sure the guy just played along because he knew good sex was coming his way later. She could have been really vocal in bed and some guys like that, like me. That's one thing I miss about my ex....



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He was with her for a long time so I think it was about more than sex. I think it had a lot to do with her pressuring him to cut off his friends and then he was trapped in the relationship with no buddies to turn to.


But I was just wondering if this sex thing is true. I would never mention this to him, just here as a sounding board.



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I sure hope so....cause I'm crazy as a loon!! Just kiddng...


As you said, "issues" can be a total "libido" killer....


There is crazy because a person is selfish and or mean...(not cool and not sexy)


And there's mentally ill, where a person can't help it....(God bless the person that sticks by that person)

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Originally posted by savethedrama4yrmama

Yeah Mr. Spock, I would think that being accused all the time and being made to feel like a piece of sh*t of a person would take away from the old sex drive...


There are many different ways to be crazy-and it wouldn't take away from the old sex drive if the guy had a big hidden masochistic streak in him-I've seen crazy girls that pick fights because someone was "looking" at their man, girls that throw fits-doesn't always have to be crazy in a demeaning way.

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Originally posted by savethedrama4yrmama

I have heard people say that sex with girls who are a nutty, psycho, crazy is better.


Now, being a very rational girlfriend of a dude with a very nutty ex, I am naturally curious.


I would think that the yelling, passionate, heated arguments could lead to some good sex. But what about the constant distrust, accusations of cheating, making you look straight ahead in public places so that it can't be misconstrued that you're checking out other girls (this is real stuff she did, not hypothetical) wouldn't all that detract from your sex drive?


Guys? Opinions?


The only sex I have ever known has been with "nutty" girls. Family problems, emotional problems, psychological disorders, and even people I met in group therapy or inpatient settings. I went really wrong in my past. If I wasn't meeting someone within a few feet of a clinician, I certainly knew how to find some very problematic women out there in the real world, too.


I would say sex with these types of women, in my experience, was more SEX and less feelings. The experiences were more animal, sex was taken less seriously and done very often, and the girls kind of knew what they were doing.


It wasn't worth all of the aggravation, however. After a huge incident involving a Bipolar ex, accusations, and court, I realized I needed to try to find DECENT people. I dated a few nice girls, but nobody was really all so grand. My current girlfriend seems very stable, is in college, has a steady job and goals in life, and the family life seems wonderful. I think I'm in a good situation now.


I can't, however, tell you what the sex is like with her, as she is a virgin. I think I have had enough wild times in my life, and I want to take my life more seriously. I have a job, am attending college, and want to wait a while before stepping things up in my present relationship.

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Based on my experience alone, I find that both crazy girls and the quiet ones is the best. Example: dated a girl in college. She was totally quiet and innocent looking. In the bedroom she was a total monster. Impressive.


Example the other way: girlfriend a few years back was a complete nutcase. Everything was dramatic with her, even her lovemaking. Impressive, but exhausting.


The ones that have just "vanilla" personalities tend to be "vanilla" in bed.

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Hmmm. Very thoughtful insight.


Ya know, I am conducting my own personal research here because I still get accused of being in high school (though I'm 25) and everyone thinks I'm sooo innocent. I'm on the classier side of things and don't wear a lot of makeup or hoochie clothes (but still sexy. think form-fitting but not skin-showing.) I don't cuss at people, rarely yell, and I'm pretty rational. I call it respectful but sometimes I wonder if this is too boring. Its like when guys gripe that we women go for bad boys. Sometimes I feel the same way, that guys prefer the psychos as much as they complain about them.


But I bring the pain in the bedroom so I think we're ok.

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I have heard people say that sex with girls who are a nutty, psycho, crazy is better.


Skip the kitchen or the sewing room. Sex with knives and scissors could a pretty bobbiting make.


Oh, and sans potpans and bunny rabbits...

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Originally posted by savethedrama4yrmama



I'm thinking along the crazy chick lines of....fatal attraction (bunny boiler) and Lorenna Bobbit (chopped her husbands chipolata off).


I was only pulling ya leg! (If I were a crazy chick, I'd be pulling ya leg off! ;) )

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