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He wont acknowledge me and I want to leave.

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I posted this in the wrong place before. I need some advice. My b/f of three years will not acknowledge my existence to the mother of his children. he keeps that side of his life totally separate from our relationship. we have had so many arguments only about this, that its just not working for me anymore. I feel so devalued I don't know what else to do except break up with him. I know as soon as I break up I will want him back. For quite a while if she telephoned he asked me to stay quiet so she would not know I was there. That has stopped now, not because things have improved but because he makes calls to her when I am not around. How can I get him to see that acknowledging a woman is important. I feel like I am nothing.

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This fact (complete transparency and open honesty) is very important to you. It is not important to him. Unless you two can come to some understanding/agreement, your only option is to leave him.


Have you asked him why he has a desire to keep you secret?

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