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free advice for guys

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Keep in mind that gal's noses are super-sensitive! (judging from my own and friends' experiences)


of course smelling good doesn't make up for other things, but we often remember men by their smell & get attached to the smell. an ex of mine always smelled like a mix of smoke, certain cologne, mints, and leather, and boy do I associate that smell with him!


i think the way men are largely visual, women are largely auditory + respiratory (is that the right word?)


so, make sure you smell good, and make sure your smell suits your image (ask gal-friends about it?)


-yes =)

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YOU WRITE: "i think the way men are largely visual, women are largely auditory + respiratory (is that the right word?)"


I think the right word woud be "olfactory."


I agree that odors play significant roles in relationships. That's why I always rub tuna fish under my arms! I know women LOVE tuna fish sandwiches.

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tony, tony, tony ... it's the WHATABURGER smell we go for, not tuna (unless you're into feline love?).

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Okay, this reminds me of a joke.


In the beginning,God created Adam. Adam was good, but as time went by he became lonely. God saw this and created a companion for him, Eve.


After a while God came back to see Adam and ask how things were and Adam said he was so happy. He loved Eve and he especially loved sex. He thought sex was terrific. God thought that was good -- that was one main reason He created Eve.


Then God looked around and when he didn't see Eve, he asked Adam "Adam, where is Eve?"


Adam: "Oh, we had such great sex every day for the last week that she's down at the river washing herself out."


God: "Damn, now the fish will smell funny"

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