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are girls getting prettier younger?Are women looking good longer?

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When I was a teenager, fifteen year old girls looked like teenage boys in drag.Hannah Montana(Miley Cyrus) could easily pass for an eighteen year old ,easily.Are girls maturing faster?What implications would this have on statutory rape?Should the law change?Subsequently,women are staying good looking longer.A fourty year old woman twenty years ago was usually homely.Many women who are fourty plus I sure as Hell wouldn't kick out of bed.

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Looking like you're ready to breed and having the emotional capacity to handle a situation of breeding, are two different things, hence why statutory rape laws should remain "as is" and in some jurisdictions increased, to ensure that adult predatory behaviour isn't tolerated.


Keep in mind that better support undergarments are also helping both younger and older women, have or retain shape. Also, older women have learned that staying in shape is not only good for the mind and health but has the beneficial byproduct of a kickin' body.

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