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gf saying mean things

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my girlfriend is bipolar type 1 and she has been having alot of manic episodes lately. Half the time she doesn't even remember what happens when she has one. My problems is she has been saying some extremely mean things to me when she is manic, for example she says she isn't in love with me and never will be and that im ugly and not her type and that im stupid and all of her problems are my fault and that im ruining her life. They say when they are having a manic episode they can says things they dont mean, but i just wonder if maybe its her true feelings just coming out. The other day she had a psychotic episode in which she got very violent and said she wanted me dead. When she is not manic she acts her normal loving self and is nice to me. Should i just ignore her "mean" words or do you think she could be speaking whats really on her mind? Please help

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I'm sure you love and care for her. However, the best thing might be to do, is some soul searching. You need to figure out what it is you will and will not tolerate. Are you willing to continue to stay in a situation thats not very healthy? I understand she can't help this disorder, but in the end YOU have to do what you feel is best for yourself.

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Man, that sums up the woman I married. I don't think she ever mentioned wanting me dead, but she would have gotten there sooner or later.


If you wanna know what I think, it's not a matter of if you break it's a matter of when. I put up with that stuff for 4 years, every time caring less and less. Finally, one day she did her little rant and I told her it was over... and it was incredibly easy for me. I had been building up a distance for a long time and when the time came the separation was relatively effortless.


Our problem was she did not want to seek help. That was why I walked, b/c there was nothing I could do on my own. I dare say you are in the same boat. You can't change this alone, and if she is not interested in fixing things, you have to choose to either be a whipping post for the rest of your relationship or walk away while you are relatively intact.


And in this situation, I would also offer to you that it doesn't matter if she means it or not. Either way you will start believing it. And the fact that she's willing to even say these things to you should tell you all you need to know, clinical or not.

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My previous relationship was very similar to this, I tried everything I could for around 18 months but finally gave up and cut ties. Its hard to say if she really means the things she says, half the time I couldnt tell with my ex either so its a very odd situation indeed. Unfortunately it sounds as if Krytie TV is correct in his assumptions. Until people who have bi-polar are willing to be helped, I dont believe that they can be helped. Somewhat like a person with a drug problem, its not going to stop until they pull the plug themselves if they do it at all.


I hate sounding mean or critical but it made an impression on me I doubt I will ever forget.

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I hate sounding mean or critical but it made an impression on me I doubt I will ever forget.


Indeed, as well as some scars that took some time to work through.

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