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For lying, but the problem with me is that i lie without blinking my eyes. My extraordinary calmess makes it took fake

What a problem to have in life...the fact that you remain so calm when you LIE that it looks fake. Here's a newsflash for you, why don't you just TELL THE TRUTH. Why do you need to lie? Real men don't lie (real women don't lie either, for that matter). Most people despise liars, and have no respect for them. Liars are losers. Do you want to be a loser?



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done there had that

tough choice, I know


What a problem to have in life...the fact

that you remain so calm when you LIE that it looks

fake. Here's a newsflash for you, why don't you

just TELL THE TRUTH. Why do you need to lie? Real

men don't lie (real women don't lie either, for

that matter). Most people despise liars, and have

no respect for them. Liars are losers. Do you

want to be a loser?






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What is my name doing in the title of this lame post? I really resent that. I don't want to be associated with you in any way and I ask that you refrain from using my name in your everyday activities and most particularly do not lead people to believe you are a friend of mine.


If you can lie without showing it, I'm sure there are appropriate television quiz shows that would welcome you as a contestant.


You are not unique in this regard. Many people lie quite comfortably, such as former President Clinton regarding his affair with Monica Lewinsky.


I could never lie to you so I will tell you straight away, your posts are nauseating, irrelevant, ludicrous, inappropriate, lame, dumb, moronic, etc. But I will fight to the end to defend your right to post them...now there's a bald-faced lie!!!

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...just in case someone thinks it was directed at moi!


good post tony :)

What is my name doing in the title of this lame post? I really resent that. I don't want to be associated with you in any way and I ask that you refrain from using my name in your everyday activities and most particularly do not lead people to believe you are a friend of mine. If you can lie without showing it, I'm sure there are appropriate television quiz shows that would welcome you as a contestant. You are not unique in this regard. Many people lie quite comfortably, such as former President Clinton regarding his affair with Monica Lewinsky.


I could never lie to you so I will tell you straight away, your posts are nauseating, irrelevant, ludicrous, inappropriate, lame, dumb, moronic, etc. But I will fight to the end to defend your right to post them...now there's a bald-faced lie!!!

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My post was directed at Curious, who is curiously anal in most respects. As for my post, any possibility that it could have been written for any person other than Curious, living or dead, is purely coincidentaly unless they are as lame as Curious.


Now, is Curious living or dead?

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