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Super babies


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My cousin recently had a baby who is now 2 weeks old. She already want to get a bumbo because baby just insists on sitting up. Like seriously? Soo, with a bit of humor and sacasm...what have you deal with when it comes to other parents.


1. Your baby is 2 weeks old. He is not ready for a bumbo.

2. Your infant does not need pablum mixed in with their formula at one month old.

3. That is not a smile. That is gas.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Guess the first thing would be to figure out what a bumbo is and pablum?


Technically Speaking, I'm amazed that they can maneuver a kid into the car seat! That takes a degree with the buckles and facement.


If there is any challenge ,is to guide and learn . Parents like to know they are handling things okay, so re assurance and guidance (when asked) is okay.

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about the only thing I can agree with you on is that the baby doesn't need pablum yet. I don't know what a bumbo is so I can't comment on that but I can say that some babies can genuinely smile at 2 weeks.

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2 weeks old is way too young to be sitting in one of those. The kid can try sitting up all they want, but it`s on their terms. You put them on a bumbo their head has no support whether they want it or not.



And what is the goal of putting baby food in their formula? Do they think the kid will grow up faster?



Sounds like they need to take the newborn baby class before they do something dangerous.



As for other parents, I've come across many parents with horribly installed car seats or non fitting car seats.

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New parents can be so cute. It's even more fun to watch them toss a lot of their bright ideas as they repeatedly run head-first into reality.

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I don't particularly care for bumbos. It almost seems unnatural forcing the baby to sit up in such a rigid position.


But speaking of super babies my baby daughter has a grip like a vice. She will grab a plate and is so strong my husband and I have to practically yank to get it out of her hands. So I checked Dr. Google and found out an infant's grip is actually strong enough to support their own weight. It's just that it is unreliable (they will grab something and then suddenly let go).


So, in truth, we were all super babies at one point. :bunny:

Edited by Ms. Faust
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