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winning trust and straightening things out/kids involved

Mr. Confident

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Mr. Confident

ok, here we go...


scenario: beautiful young mom, 2 kids; she's an incurable crack-head, and 'caters' to numerous men; her kids are deprived and on the way to who knows what...


i'm in the middle but I like what I like


i know what's right, but if she doesn't, ... wait till she comes around??? if she doesn't, i'll just get bored if she does we'll take it from there


her friggin 10-yr old daughter is more mature than she is her family is on the verge of disowning her but still, i like her


i'm thinking with my dick??? so what, i like it i've seen worse hey it might even be good



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[color=violet][font=arial]Do you want advice or are you just trying to be an idiot?


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Just A Girl2
beautiful young mom, 2 kids; she's an incurable crack-head, and 'caters' to numerous men; her kids are deprived and on the way to who knows what...


So what if she's beautiful.....she's an addict who doesn't even deserve to have her children. She whores around with all kinds of men, no doubt has all kinds of diseases (Hepatitis C, HIV, Herpes, Genital Warts...all of which are *incurable*, the former 2 being deadly). You admit she's a rotten mother who deprives her children of the mother (and homelife) they deserve. If there's nothing else stopping you from having nothing more to do with her than what she's putting her innocent children through, I don't know what there would be.


Do you dig the fact that she services other men? The fact that you've got the hots for a hooker (cuz that's what she is, let's cut to the chase) is insane. Don't you care about your health? Do you have a death wish?


her friggin 10-yr old daughter is more mature than she is

her family is on the verge of disowning her

but still, i like her


I pity her poor daughter, what a horrible life she's enduring....and the lasting impact it will have on her. And you want to be with an adult who could do this to her children?? You like her, WHY? Do you make it a habit of liking crackhead whores who make their children's lives a living nightmare? If so, what exactly are you free-basing, buddy?


i've seen worse

hey it might even be good



Yeah, it might be good to contract Hepatitis C, or AIDS.....or a nasty case of the clap, or a severe case of syphilis that causes permanent brain damage.


I think you need to turn down the Motley Crue....cuz your Mother-ship is calling.

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