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My little night owl, any way to turn her into an early bird?


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My 2 and a half month old baby is a night owl. We stay up until sometimes 3 am in the morning and then she sleeps all night until 7 am, she wakes up for a feeding, and then continues to sleep on and off all day.


8pm rolls around and she's up talking and wide awake.:eek: This goes on until 3. Is there anything i can do to adjust her schedule? Everyone has told me never to wake a sleping baby, so i really don't know what to do. This is new to me, as this has never happened with my 2 other girls.


I sleep until noon, and it makes me feel as if i'm wasting the day. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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She needs a perminent schedule. There's this nanny to the celebrities named Rachael Wadilove whom wrote a book about getting your newborns into a sleeping schedule. You might want to pick a copy of this up. Also, talk to your pedi--he or she may have some good tips as well. I think all babies are different, but routining them is probably the same.


Good Luck :)


Here's a link: http://www.rachelsbabies.co.uk/test.html

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My 2 and a half month old baby is a night owl. We stay up until sometimes 3 am in the morning and then she sleeps all night until 7 am, she wakes up for a feeding, and then continues to sleep on and off all day.


8pm rolls around and she's up talking and wide awake.:eek: This goes on until 3. Is there anything i can do to adjust her schedule? Everyone has told me never to wake a sleping baby, so i really don't know what to do. This is new to me, as this has never happened with my 2 other girls.


I sleep until noon, and it makes me feel as if i'm wasting the day. Does anyone have any suggestions?


I can very much relate, I have been there x3. I found what worked best for me was to keep my little night owls awake durning the day as much as possible and make sure to put them down at the same time each night. If your are nursing, nurse just before laying her down. Just my thoughts. Good luck.



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Yes, we've tried to keep her awake during the day, but it's almost impossible!


When she sleeps, she SLEEPS. I've sat her up on my lap, and talked to her, bounced her on my knee and she still continued to sleep.

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Yes, we've tried to keep her awake during the day, but it's almost impossible!


When she sleeps, she SLEEPS. I've sat her up on my lap, and talked to her, bounced her on my knee and she still continued to sleep.


Is she old enough for floor time? If so you could put her on the floor on a play mat with thing's to look up at. The visual stimulation could help to keep her awake and interested. Just a thought.



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