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better together with the kids?


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I have just married a man who is wonderful and everything I ever wanted. He has two children 4 and 7. At first, things were good. Now, sometimes, the 4 yrd old sais that I am not her mother and I will never be a mommy. They have a mother and I never intended to replace her. My husband is out of town a few days a week and I am left taking care of the kids. They are good when he is out of town, but when he gets back, they are screeming and yelling and don't listen to a thing. We try to go out to do things and it takes forever for them to get ready. It really frustrates me when we miss thing because of this. Why do they give him a hard time and seem to be ok when he is not around? They seem to get more upset when my husband and I are both there then when it is just me. Why?

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They are looking for his attention. If they don't get enough attention by being good, they try to get it by misbehaving.

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I think that your situation, although, painful is increasingly common in todays society. I think there is a lot of literature now on this subject and you may find it helpful to buy a book and read some more about other peoples experiences of this.


I know that some are of the opinion that the 'new' parent can be in competition with the other parents children. This is due to the fact that the children were there when they came on the scene. You must remember that they are only children after all, and that you are the adult in this and therefore it is you that can rise above this situation, and be the better for it.


I am told that once you over come these difficulties it can be a very rewarding experience for all concerned.

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