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Mother and Father not in good terms

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It was 2 years ago when my parents started fighting with each other.

My father found out that my mother has a textmate that angered him.

My mother denied anything related to to it ( being so naive). She just owned a handy phone and she enjoyed random people texting her. To the point that she will keep her phone from my father or sends text messages silently at the back of our house.


My sister and I caught her many time entertaining these men through calls at home when papa's at work.


My Mother started nagging at my father. She also tried to count all that she sacrificed for him, for us. ( This is true) My mother has dedicated all her life to raising us and being a good wife, but my father grew not being affectionate or sweet.


I thought she was fine and has accepted my father's personality until that day they quarreled. She blurted out that she was so tired about the way my father treats her. :(


It was heartbreaking to see them fight. It was even worse when they avoided each other and we were the ones adjusting for them.


Today, I am really relieved that even if they are not together again at least they are trying to be civil.


I prefer today than how it was before between them.

I am just thankful that there's no divorce in my country.

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You're thankful that your mother is trapped in a marriage without affection?


My position is being the child... and I realize


if my mama left a long time ago, we would not be where we are today.


Our mother raised us and poured her life on us.


I can only imagine how life would turn on us without her guiding. I see her selflessness heroic and worth praising. As for the marriage, my mother chose to stay without the affection. Clearly, she put us before herself. Selfless motherhood is rare these days.

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But you do realize that she is unhappy as a person?


I only knew after she admit during our open forum in the family 2 years ago. However, my father started giving her the freedom since their last fight. She's living a seperate life now for over 2 years. She broke up with my father. That's where they are today, healing.

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