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Can this friendship become something more?

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My ex & I broke up about 5 months ago & cut contacts. 2 months ago, we met again because we're both staff for this collegiate dance competition hosted by a club on campus. We're on different committees but still see each other 1-2 times a week for meetings. The awkward tension was a little unbearable so I decided to address the elephant in the room & talked to him. We ended up hanging out, grabbing dinner and actually had a good time. After that we'd often sit next to each other or take turns coming up to each other to chat. We also hung out a couple more times outside of meetings. It's always easy to hang out given all the history and inside jokes.


Last week, after a meeting he had a 1 hr gap before he had to meet with his committee again, and I had to go to work 20 min away. He ended up walking with me there, then walked back by himself for the meeting.


It's our 2nd year staffing the competition so we know a lot of the people there including my 2 best friends, and many knew that we dated (they actually called it way before anything happened). Some know we broke up & do double takes when they see us together; some just assume we never even broke up.


He's a lot more involved with the club than me & has more friends there so the fact that he chooses to talk to me & hangs out with me out of everyone means that he at least enjoys my company. But I'm wondering if we can be more than friends. Do I have a chance?

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You're more than friends already. You're exes. Moreover, I can't tell your roles there exactly from your posting, but you're either schoolmates or you work for the same college, work colleagues.


You don't say what "more" you want, so there's no way to answer that. You'll likely never both play on the same NBA team; you'll likely not simultaneously be the president and prime minister of the same nation state together.


Exes are exes for a reason. Coupling-up together usually brings almost immediately to the surface the reasons you broke up in the first place. We let old drama nonsense back into our lives, and more often than not regret it.


If you're hoping to rekindle romance, ask him out and tell him it's a date - he'll say 'yes' or 'no'.

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