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What do i do ? Need guidance

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Hey guys. Hope you all good. Got a bit of a problem here and i could really use your help. I'll try to get straight to it.


To start i met my ex in 2012, first relationship for both of us we were in college. we got together and had a really great relationship for about 3 years. We loved each other very much and became the closest you could imagine 2 people getting, we shared and talked about everything and it was amazing. We were best friends, just incredible.


Problem came after college, we couldnt see each other much like we use to in school and at the end we grew apart and that was where it ended. She didnt want it anymore, i became an emotional mess crying and begging until i just gave up and stopped talking to her.


She started university so i wished her well and left it there, broke no contact twice, called and said i missed her then for her birthday and i stopped after that.


A month after she messaged me to see how i was doing. Then a month after that she messaged me wanting to know if i wanted the stuff back that i gave her and then we talked and she said she wasnt sure about us and the future and what not. After that id get messages now and then, nothing important just stupid stuff most of the times. Most of the time she would message me like she was angry, i didnt pay it no attention..


Middle of June though i got a missed call from her, then she messaged me and we just talked, Talked how things were, how college was and the times we had, talked alot about alot of things and it was actually nice. She told me how she missed how we were and the times we had, how she thinks about me and the times we had alot and how she wished she could go back to those times and those kinda things. I tried to arrange a meet up but she said when shes ready, also she told me she'd come see me sometime but that hasnt materialised and im not sure when i'll see her.


She always use to ask my friend about me, stuff like if i got gfs or when i go out are the girls i hang with my gfs and stuff. She would get jealous and ask me bout the girls and stuff. She was relieved to know i was single.


So we've been talking for about 2 months since we broke up a year ago. I dont know what she wants because she hasnt really said anything. And also i dont think we will be talking as much again when she starts school.


Truth be told i miss her, i think about her everyday and even though i talked to girls after we broke up nobody has ever come close to what i had with her. Was the best relationship in my life. Talking to her again felt so good, felt right. I mean this girl meant the world to me. Even though we broke up there were alot more good than bad in our relationship.


If you had to ask me when was the best time of my life and the happiest, the answer would be her. She was the best thing to happen to me.


I would like to be with her again, im not sure how shes feeling or thinking, she said she would see me sometime and i shouldnt worry but i dont know when..


What should i do guys? What would you do in a situation like this. ?


Its been craziness in my head and i cant seem to stop it. Do i call her and tell her how i been feeling and how i feel?


I dont know if calling her and telling her that would push her away, or if shes been waiting on me to say something. The way shes been talking reconciliation was never taken off the table and i just really dont know what to do. Id really like some feedback guys., Thanks a million for reading ik its long.

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