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Ex is unsure of new relationship?


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Long story short, I got a text message from my ex telling me she "wasn't sure how long this relationship is going to last". This being her new relationship she got into the day after breaking up with me. She has been with this new guy for about a month now.


The thing is lately she has had a lot going on and has been really busy with studies and work and has had no time of her own to focus on getting her own things done while being in a relationship, which has been making things difficult and causing her to stress out a lot over deadlines.


I support her in doing what she needs to do with her studies and totally understand she needs her space. When it comes down to it this was the reason why things didn't work out between us. I told her I'm focusing on my studies now as well.


I'm really stuck in how to reply to her text though and need some help, I don't want to say something I'll regret

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I know how you should respond: delete the text, block her and move on.


Let me get this straight: she broke up with you because she was busy with studies and work and couldn't focus on the relationship. Then she turn around and got into another relationship with another guy the day after breaking up with you and is now texting you venting about it?


Stop being a doormat. It won't make her come back any quicker, if at all. Dumpees tend to think being available and the proverbial shoulder to cry on will let the dumper see him or her in a different light and want to reconcile. It seldom works.

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THIS "Stop being a doormat. It won't make her come back any quicker, if at all. Dumpees tend to think being available and the proverbial shoulder to cry on will let the dumper see him or her in a different light and want to reconcile. It seldom works."



Give her the space she wanted from you. She didn't want to be in a relationship with you, so she doesn't get the befit of being able to stay in touch when she feels like it. She texts you another time, reply back that it's best you don't stay in contact so she can focus on her studies and work and leave it at that. Then block her and go NC for 30 days and see where you're at then. Bottom line is she left you for a bogus reason because she got right with another guy. What does that tell you? She doesn't value you. The other poster is exactly right in that being the doormat now will not work and make her think even less of you and I only say that because I know dumpees still care about what the dumper thinks about them, even though they shouldn't.

Edited by dumbass2
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Long story short, I got a text message from my ex telling me she "wasn't sure how long this relationship is going to last". This being her new relationship she got into the day after breaking up with me. She has been with this new guy for about a month now.


The thing is lately she has had a lot going on and has been really busy with studies and work and has had no time of her own to focus on getting her own things done while being in a relationship, which has been making things difficult and causing her to stress out a lot over deadlines.


I support her in doing what she needs to do with her studies and totally understand she needs her space. When it comes down to it this was the reason why things didn't work out between us. I told her I'm focusing on my studies now as well.


I'm really stuck in how to reply to her text though and need some help, I don't want to say something I'll regret


Yeah the same thing happened to me recently. I wish I had told her to go F herself. If only i had a time machine because I just ended up getting hurt again. I finally realized a few weeks back, it's her loss, she is making some serious LOSER decisions in her pathetic life and I am moving on. I hope you do the same.

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I know how you should respond: delete the text, block her and move on.


Let me get this straight: she broke up with you because she was busy with studies and work and couldn't focus on the relationship. Then she turn around and got into another relationship with another guy the day after breaking up with you and is now texting you venting about it?


Stop being a doormat. It won't make her come back any quicker, if at all. Dumpees tend to think being available and the proverbial shoulder to cry on will let the dumper see him or her in a different light and want to reconcile. It seldom works.


THIS "Stop being a doormat. It won't make her come back any quicker, if at all. Dumpees tend to think being available and the proverbial shoulder to cry on will let the dumper see him or her in a different light and want to reconcile. It seldom works."



Give her the space she wanted from you. She didn't want to be in a relationship with you, so she doesn't get the befit of being able to stay in touch when she feels like it. She texts you another time, reply back that it's best you don't stay in contact so she can focus on her studies and work and leave it at that. Then block her and go NC for 30 days and see where you're at then. Bottom line is she left you for a bogus reason because she got right with another guy. What does that tell you? She doesn't value you. The other poster is exactly right in that being the doormat now will not work and make her think even less of you and I only say that because I know dumpees still care about what the dumper thinks about them, even though they shouldn't.


Screenshot the advice of these guys and read it every day man!! (I plan to) I was going through something similar, even down to the excuse. I tried to be nice and she still acted like a c*nt to me. So, I said enough is enough. Not putting up with the crap anymore. Haven't spoken since. And as another poster said, she lost the girlfriend benefits when she broke up with you. So let her talk to a girlfriend about her boyfriend problems, not you.

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Actions always speak louder than words.

Now what are you going to do?


She is the one who will have to eat her words someday.

Just ignore the text, look at it like an emotional brain fart from your ex-hole.


If she didn't care, she wouldn't be trying to get your attention.


But she is still trying to control the situation - proof you are the one in control.




Actually this is to your advantage really... how?


It will eat away at her that you didn't break down from her dumb-a*s attempt to hurt you, she will start to worry that she finally went «too far» this time and lost you forever.


Now who is sweating?


You did nothing wrong... you are stronger than she is and she knows it now.

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I know how you should respond: delete the text, block her and move on.



Or if you have to respond (for example you have a gun to your head) then your response should be "And why is that my problem?"

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